Don’t Make Resolutions create new habits ……

Now the above statement resonates with me but also the clinic. As the New year starts we all feel like we should be making new years resolutions, getting fitter, losing weight etc.. etc.. but how many of us if we are honest fail after the first week or have just stopped setting any little challenges as we know we are setting ourselves up to fail.

My new habit I want to create this year is to become a bit more active as I head towards my 50th Year ( I now hard to believe 😊 ) but how on earth am I going to achieve this. Well for one I am going to set myself little challenges, nothing to major but just to increase my step count to start off with, maybe by walking to the shops instead of jumping in the car, by the end of the year I would like to complete a big walking challenge.

So how does The Back Room Chiropractic  fit into all of this?  Well, I believe that by helping restore and rebalance my system with the aid of McTimoney Chiropractic and soft tissue work I am helping my body to achieve all my personal goals.

So no matter what your goals, we can help, why not book in for a treatment to help you help yourself achieve these new habits in 2024